Der Leiter des Mental Health Projektes auf Bali berichtet über die aktuelle Coronasituation, sehr persönlich und informativ. [8.9., 08:12] Yaya: Dear Juergen, thank you for your message. I just finished my home isolation due to COVID last week. The whole family were infected after my uncle died. Suryani and my father were hospitalized for 10 days and now they are at home but their pcr results still positive. We will check again tomorrow and hopefully will negative. My 3 brothers also were positive along with their families. Regarding to mental health project, our staff still doing home visit and give regular treatment. Rudi is trying to do fund raising and campaign through run for mental health next month. The lockdown situation is not hard but still continue till 13 September, after that the government will evaluate again. Today the government allow shopping mall start to open. Cases are decreasing. We really hope that bali can recover soon, as with tourism is not operating, many people start to committing suicide because of economic pressure.